Each biome, determined by the Pill Top used to mint the land, has different characteristics that can be positive or negative. For example, the Desolated Dune biome will have high temperature and very low humidity and thus be inhabited by creatures that like this kind of environment. There are 16 different biomes in the BYOVerse, each well-identified by several environmental parameters that will vary a lot from one biome to another.

Breakdown of various characteristics tied to BYOLand biomes.
In addition to these characteristics, each biome will see different kinds of fauna, flora, and resources to interact with. And last but not least, the Pill Ingredient will also apply a mutation to the biome’s base characteristics.
No Man's Land
These empty lands were once rich and fertile but their BYOEnergy was wiped away in a long-forgotten past, leaving barren hills and dusty plains where life struggles to thrive. What happened to these lands is a subject of controversy and only thorough exploration could uncover the truth about their past. Nonetheless, today they could become fertile again if cared for enough.
Desolate Dunes
These desertic areas, where the heat is almost unbearable and where the sand is the main enemy, were not always like that. Some say that each desert has its history and secrets… Moreover, these lands can provide interesting resources for who knows how to find harmony with the desert.
The extremely humid jungle is the place where life thrives in many ways, most of which are dangerous. Although many plants can be harvested in the jungle, exploring it without protection against humidity is like throwing oneself directly into the mouth of the carnivorous plants that lurk under the canopy.
The Harbour
These deltas and coastlands are subject to harsh, salty wind and regular rain conditions more often than not, forcing life there to adapt and fiercely fight for survival. Moreover, the psychic instability there is still unexplained. Some attribute it to the shipwrecks that dot the coasts, testimony of a nowextinct sailor civilization. Or is it not extinct?
Remains of ancient industrial or urban areas, these lands still have some pockets of functional civilization that serve as beacons of light amongst abandoned facilities and ruins. Adventurers should stay close to the neons, for ghosts wander in the dark among twisted metal structures.
Atlas Mountains
Whoever tries their luck to explore those mountains shall beware of the cold and the thirst, as these peaks rarely see the rain and are some of the highest areas in the world. The creatures that survive between the peaks are worth the hunt though, but they are as tough as their environment.
Radioactive Swamp
Rumor has it that these swamps were ravaged by an infamous accident a long time ago, transforming them forever. Although the local wildlife survived, it mutated heavily over the years, and those mutations are sometimes blessings that are highly searched for by the most daring adventurers.
Extreme heat, smoke, almost no water, there’s nothing more to expect from these lands. Oh yes, lots of minerals, some of them radioactive. And forms of life that defy the laws of nature and whoever disturbs them.
These fractured lands float in low orbit, and seem to be the remains of a former satellite stuck at the limit of the atmosphere. Therefore, they are a very cold rocky place exposed to spatial radiation. The reason why they are not falling on the planet is one more mystery to decipher by those prepared enough to explore these unwelcoming floating islands.
The Mine
There are several mining areas, and they all share the same characteristics, being dusty and dry places where mining is both an enriching and life risking activity, notably due to occasional radiations and psychic disturbances. Moreover, the most curious adventurers will surely find interesting traces from the past.
Bone Valley
Dust, bones, dead ruins, and sorrow. Given the terrible fate faced by the civilizations who ended there, one could shed a tear, but that would be unadvised as water is more precious than anything else in these lands. Only the experts in psychic protection would try their luck to plunder the ruins in the search for archaeological finds or other treasures.
This region is unaccessible by normal means of transportation because of an energetic barrier that contains what is inside. Given the rumors about radiation levels, a crash site the size of a mountain, and strange forms of life that irradiate psychic energy, maybe it’s for the better. Will that be enough to stop the greed of the most blunt exploiters? Only history will tell.
Frigid Plains
In the extreme north of the BYOVerse, on a high altitude plateau, these unwelcoming lands are home to very aggressive and psychically harmful creatures whose hearts seem to be as cold as the area. It is also said that a very precious place is hidden in these freezing cold lands, to be found only in case of emergency…
Cloud 10
This orbital station lies in the upper atmosphere above the ocean, on a huge floating rocky plateau exposed to the winds and forming clouds, but also spatial radiation and cold air. It seems to be maintained in orbit by strange devices that defy the laws of gravity consuming some of the most precious ores of the planet. Who put it there, and for what purpose, remains to be determined.
Komo Caves
Hidden between mountains and volcanoes, these caves are a living hell: both very hot and very dry, they still attract those who dare to risk the precious ores’ radiations and dust levels. Moreover, they are inhabited by dangerous troglodytes creatures that fiercely defend the ore veins of the caves as if they were sacred to them.
Oblivion Void
Lost in a dimensional vortex, this place is subject to high radiation levels and dangerous ethereal threats, but the treasures it contains are probably worth the risk for those who are prepared to fight a living nightmare. Is it the place where Boris was headed when he disappeared? No one knows for sure…